Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ten Lies Christian Girls Buy Into

Ten Lies Christian Girls Buy Into

1. You have to buy immodest clothing and vulgar music because it is “in” and there are no other choices.

2. It does not matter who your friends are or how they live their lives. Sin is relative, and what is wrong for you may not be wrong for them.

3. You should never let anyone know who you really are— your deepest fears and your biggest dreams— because they might turn around and hurt you someday.

4. It’s okay to use profanity or Christian forms of profanity. They are just words. It is not a big deal.

5. Boundaries and guidelines are for goody-goodies. Freedom is what life is really about.

6. You can give your heart away to everyone you meet and remain completely unaffected by it, even when your heart is broken.

7. Lying and gossip are not really sin— they are just artistic forms of conversation.

8. You can do everything except have sex and still be pure.

9. You can hate your parents without dishonoring God.

10. Life is all about having fun.

Taken from "Being a Girl Who Leads" by Shannon Kubiak Primicerio.

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